Sunday, July 21, 2002

Dreaming in Farsi

Dreams with Farsi: I had my first dream that included Farsi. My language ability has greatly improved - I am surrounded by written and spoken Farsi at every move. This dream also included several aspects of our voyage. Without going into too much detail.... I was in a building shaped like the classic Persian garden, an ornate fountain in the center, and hallways leading off in three of the four directions, as if forever. I had a clandestine objective that required me to subdue the staff that occupied this building and, as in most of my dreams, I had a secret accomplice. The accomplice knocked out most of the staff and tied their hands. The hallway to the back was completely dark and though not the initial objective, was to be the final objective after preliminary issues were solved. I walked among the subdued staff, gracious to the other guests (oblivious to the events) and found my way to the center of the operation. Here I tried to subdue the remaining staff with sleeping potion-tipped needles. I had problems with the liquid that would not stay in the rubber pouch attached to the needle. The staff were all dressed in Hajib, but with more of a Catholic appearance than Islamic. As they overcame me, I remember speaking as best I could in Farsi, but then apologizing that I could not explain what I needed well enough. Any psychics out there?

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